Ley de senderismo-trekking law

Ley de senderismo-trekking law

Durante mis viajes para realizar senderismo he podido constatar la idea de mi padre Ramon Martín Mateo de poder hacer una ley para realizar el senderismo tomando la jurisprudencia de otros países. Vengo a hablar de esto pues en Escocia tienen una ley por la cual todo propietario de una parcela vallada por un lado se compromete a poner unas escaleras para que los senderistas puedan pasar y por el otro ladro el senderista se compromete a cuidar de esta parcela.


Went I have been traveling doing trekking I could see the idea of my father Ramon Martín Mateo of doing a law for practice this sport looking the taw of other countries. I like to say this because went I was traveling in Scotland I could see that they have this law and went the owner in one hand has a field that have a fence they have the compromise to put a stair for the trekker could pass but in the other hand this person has to care for the good conservation of this place.
